Des personnes ont le courage de dire NON.
Des personnes disent OUI au BDS.
Des personnes comprennent que le Boycott, le Désinvestissement et les Sanctions sont la voie pour arriver
et la quelle vous pouvez pratiquer dans votre vie.
La chanteuse Natacha Atlas dit NON à l'apartheid d'Israël.
Tu rock Natacha!
Allez la soutenir sur sa page et comme artiste camarades car a nous donné une grande leçon d'humanité… ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Natacha a dit "Je pensais que aller à chanter en Israël aurait été une occasion unique d'encourager et de soutenir mes fans qui sont opposés aux actions et aux politiques du gouvernement. Je leur aurai demandé personnellement de lutter contre cet Etat d'apartheid en cultivant un sentiment de paix dans eux, mais après beaucoup de réflexion je me suis rendue compte qu'il est beaucoup plus utile de refuser d'aller en Israël jusqu'au temps dans le quel il soit aboli l'apartheid qui est devenue un système dans l'Etat d'Israël. Pour Cette raison je déclare publiquement que j'ira abandonner de perforer en Israël et je souhaite avec tout le coeur que ma décision représente une position efficace contre le régime israélien ".
Natacha stated: "I had an idea that performing in Israel would have been a unique opportunity to encourage and support my fans' opposition to the current government's actions and policies. I would have personally asked my Israeli fans face-to-face to fight this apartheid with peace in their hearts, but after much deliberation I now see that it would be more effective a statement to not go to Israel until this systemised apartheid is abolished once and for all. Therefore I publicly retract my well-intentioned decision to go and perform in Israel and so sincerely hope that this decision represents an effective statement against this regime."

Le parole di Natacha in italiano : "Avevo pensato che cantare in Israele sarebbe stata un'opportunità unica per incoraggiare e sostenere i miei fans che si oppongono alle azioni ed alle politiche dell'attuale governo. Avrei chiesto loro personalmente di combattere questo stato di apartheid coltivando un sentimento di pace dentro di loro, ma dopo aver molto riflettuto capisco che è molto più utile riufiutare di andare in Israele fino a che non venga abolito lo stato di apartheid divenuto sistema in israele. Per questo dichiaro pubblicamente che rinuncio ad andare ad esibirmi in Israele e mi auguro con tutto il cuore che questa mia decisione rappresenti una presa di posizione efficace contro il regime israeliano."
Natacha Atlas Official
International star Natacha Atlas announces Israel boycott
Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Wed, 09/28/2011 - 20:12
International singer and songwriter Natacha Atlas has announced publicly that she is canceling a planned concert in Israel and will boycott the country “until this systemised apartheid is abolished once and for all.”
In a statement on her official Facebook page, Atlas wrote:
I had an idea that performing in Israel would have been a unique opportunity to encourage and support my fans’ opposition to the current government’s actions and policies. I would have personally asked my Israeli fans face-to-face to fight this apartheid with peace in their hearts, but after much deliberation I now see that it would be more effective a statement to not go to Israel until this systemised apartheid is abolished once and for all. Therefore I publicly retract my well-intentioned decision to go and perform in Israel and so sincerely hope that this decision represents an effective statement against this regime.
Atlas also tweeted:
A world artist
Atlas, who grew up in Belgium is of Egyptian, Moroccan and Palestinian ancestry and has spoken publicly of Jewish roots in her family. She won a 2007 BBC Music awardfor her renowned fusion of Arabic and Western styles.
Her rendition of Screamin’ Jay Hawkins’ “I put a spell on you” was featured in Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman’s 2002 feature film Divine Intervention.
Atlas was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Conference Against Racism in 2001, which was boycotted by the United States and Israel, for raising issues about US treatment of African Americans and Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.
Supporting Egypt’s uprising
In February 2011 during the uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak, Atlas released a remix of her song “Mounqaliba” which she dedicated “In support of my fellow Egyptians.”
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